Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My 31st Birthday Weekend!!

Another year gone by! Crazy! It was a great birthday....although I think all day on my birthday I was a bit saddened by the fact that my grandma pat wasn't around. I just miss her so much and to have my birthday go by for the first time without her here was just not right. I got through the day with my amazing kids and hubby who always make me feel special :)
I did get to babysit my handsome nephew Aidan for the first time so my brother could take Naomi (Aidan's mommy) out for lunch and he proposed! She said yes!! So sweet - I am very excited to have Naomi as a sister in law....she is such a wonderful person and mom. Brandon is so happy!!
Well, here are a few pics from my birthday weekend...spoiled by friends and family who made it a great weekend. I feel so blessed and loved.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Potty Training!!

Super proud of my baby girl! Keira and I spent the last 3 days together trying out the 3 Day Potty Training Method ( We had tried our own techniques - and were pretty unsuccessful so, I decided to take an entire day off of work Friday and sent the boys off for the weekend to try out this 3 Day method. I was a little skeptical at first but the idea of never buying diapers or pull-ups again made me give it a shot. SO happy I did! The first day was a little rough. This method requires a lot of patience and you cannot show any signs of frustration.....but by Saturday afternoon it clicked and Keira did amazing! I can't believe how much she has grown! I officially have no more babies in the house - crazy! I'm very excited for this stage with the kids but a little sad at the same time. We painted her nails for the first time for one of her "prizes" for going potty and just seeing her in her little underwear and painted toes made me wonder where my little girl had gone?? They grow up so fast. Needless to say, we had a great bonding weekend and if you know of anyone about to attempt potty training - forward on the 3 day method webiste. - It really works!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Family Pictures 2010

Finally posting our family pictures from late fall 2010. I'm horrible at remembering to blog! Anyway, our dear friend and family photographer Sarah Moritz from Tangled Joy Photography took our photos :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Santa 2010!

SO proud of my babies this year - NO crying! Isn't Keira just so sweet? and Connor looks so grown up!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Woodland Park Zoo!

Connor and Grammy :)

Chris with the kiddos

KK and Connor :)

Keira and Mo Mo!

Connor and Uncle Chris